
How to replace Notepad with Notepad++ in Windows 10

Notepad is the default text editor found in Windows computers. Every .txt file is configured to open directly in the Notepad. Information technology has paved the manner for text editors over quite some time now, in which menstruation we have seen some very promising competitors of Notepad. One of these is Notepad++. It is a gratuitous, open-sourced text editing software that provides the same features equally the Notepad and and so some. Users can write on Notepad++ in several languages.

Notepad++ has several features integrated into it that lightweight applications similar Notepad lack. If yous're someone who's found him/herself to be very comfortable with Notepad++ and feels like Notepad isn't suiting your needs anymore, this article is for you. Today, we will be showing yous how you can supersede Notepad with Notepad++ to edit any text files on your Windows x PC.

There are several aspects of text editing and curation that Notepad lacks, many of which are specialized by Notepad++. Users lack the ability to modify large text files in Notepad, which is something one can easily do in Notepad++. In that location are several advanced features such as finding text in all the files of a folder, bookmarking files, customizable hotkeys, and a much better search and replace utility. Likewise, the app is only 5MB big (withal bigger than Notepad which, if you download from the Windows Store, is only effectually 2MB).

Is Notepad and Notepad ++ the same?

Given how similar the names of both these applications are, users often get confused between them. The line tin most just exist drawn with the fact that Notepad is Microsoft's congenital-in text editing awarding while Notepad++ is a third-party app i.e., y'all have to download it separately. In terms of features, Notepad stands nowhere in comparison to Notepad++. While the former offers the well-nigh bones, mainstream features, you lot tin perform several advanced tasks on Notepad++ like simultaneous editing, line bookmarking, split-screen editing, and many more. Notepad++ is also used equally an IDE more than widely than Notepad.

How practice I replace Notepad?

If you want to replace Notepad's executable file (.exe) with i of its alternatives, then you have a procedure for that too. Hither's what you need to do in that case:

  • Download your replacement for Notepad
  • Make copies of Notepad's executable files in C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System32
  • Accept ownership of Notepad via app properties and delete the app from the locations
  • Paste your replacement's executable file on all those locations and rename it as 'Notepad.exe'

How to replace Notepad with Notepad++ as the default Text Editor

ane] Using the Elevated Command Prompt

The method in place here is pretty simple. The obvious prerequisite here is for y'all to have Notepad++ downloaded and installed on your PC. Afterwards that, yous just have to follow the steps beneath:

  • Open up an elevated Command Prompt from the Showtime Menu or the Power User Card.
  • Re-create and paste the post-obit command line in the Control Prompt and press Enter.
  • The below command line is if you're running a 32-flake version of Notepad++.
reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prototype File Execution Options\notepad.exe" /v "Debugger" /t REG_SZ /d "\"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\" -notepadStyleCmdline -z" /f
  • If y'all have the 64-bit version, use the command line below:
reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe" /5 "Debugger" /t REG_SZ /d "\"%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\" -notepadStyleCmdline -z" /f
  • Once completed, yous'll receive an "Performance Successful" bulletin on your screen, afterward which yous tin shut the CMD and restart your organization to allow the change take effect.

Y'all can verify the change from your Registry Editor. The change can be made via the Registry Editor too, changing the relevant scrap value. If you desire to undo the in a higher place changes, simply run the following command line:

reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe" /5 "Debugger" /f

2] Setting text files to open with Notepad++

There's another, a rather piece of cake mode around this issue that may piece of work only fine for y'all too. If you merely configure your text files to open with Notepad++ and non their default app, Notepad. This style, Notepad isn't blocked and your text files will open in Notepad++ past default likewise. Here'due south how yous tin brand the switch:

  • Create a sample text file and put it on your Desktop, so that it's like shooting fish in a barrel to access
  • Right-click on the app icon and select Properties
  • Under the General tab, you'll see an 'Open With:' option. Click on the alter button next to information technology
  • From the list of apps, select Notepad++ and click Ok to relieve the settings
  • If you don't find Notepad++ hither, click on More Apps

replace Notepad with Notepad++ as the default Text Editor

For almost users, this method works just fine and is easier than the offset one likewise, but if you want all the commands directed at Notepad to be diverted towards Notepad++, you can utilize the Control Line method besides.

three] Utilise Notepad Replacer

Freeware Notepad Replacer lets you replace Notepad the easy way! It will allow yous to replace the default Windows version of Notepad with whatever alternative y'all would like to use.

We hope that this mail service has clarified all your doubts about how you can replace Notepad with Notepad++, or any text editor for that matter.

Related: How to set up Notepad++ as default editor for .xml files.

replace Notepad with Notepad++ as the default Text Editor


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